About Me

My name is Diana and the memories of regular after school jaunts to my Grandfather’s hotel are among my earliest and fondest. Crisp white hotel sheets and a fully-stocked minibar put a smile on my face every single time. Those afternoons gave birth to my passion for travel – and for luxury – a passion which has taken me around the globe too many times to count.

My travels began with family trips and evolved into the many adventures that took me through grad school. Travel became so firmly rooted in my life that it led me into a corporate career that required me to travel most of the time. My career enabled me to visit destinations so often that I came to know them inside and out, becoming the go-to source of travel advice for friends asking where to visit, stay and eat.

Six years ago I left my corporate job to get married and start a family, beginning a new chapter of travel driven by my husband’s business trips and our personal holidays. One dog [Regis] and a two-year old son later, we are now a family that travels together more than half of the year.  People often ask why – and I always respond that “I just love it!”  It’s in my blood and thankfully, my family feel the same.

Some insight into me as a person – I have been described over the years by family and friends as a travel snob, a jetsetter, or a travel junkie. It is what is it, and I own it.

Yes, I’m the person who arrives at a hotel and changes rooms at least once, if not twice.  It is typically for good reason and always requested with a smile.  I firmly believe that when you arrive at a luxury hotel, everything should be as close to perfect as possible – especially if you have called ahead with special requests or are a repeat guest. For me, customer service and the relationship you build with people is critical.

Travelling with a child, I am pickier than ever, and my metric for hotels begins with how well they can accommodate what I need for my child. Which brings me to this blog…

My love for travel and food (I am that Asian girl who takes pictures of her food, and that person who plans the next meal over the current meal) has provided me with a wealth of knowledge which I have been inspired to share. Encouraged by my global ‘framily’, I will share my experiences as I visit cities around the world, staying in luxury hotels and providing tips for parents travelling with children and/or pets. Most importantly, I’ll share my best tips so you too can continue to enjoy luxurious travel with kids in tow.

Please join me on my journeys. Where shall we go next?